Thursday, May 20, 2010

Two Timing Married Man

Been having a bit of a problem lately… One of my friend actually fell for a married guy, and I’m not the least bit happy about it. My friend fell for this guy in his early thirties that is actually married, so the first thing I did when hearing it was to give him the official ‘Wat Tha Fuck’ look. Then I started to probe more into the matter.

Okay early thirties is not nearly that old... but this is how I'm picturing him, a married men cheating on his wife and my friend

It turns out the guy finds that he likes my friend better, and that his marriage is supposedly not valid anymore since its supposedly almost broken up. So I then asked my friend if this married dude is gonna get a divorce soon? And he said yea the guy will get a divorce soon. And then I asked if the guy was still living with the wife? And my friend replied yes… again I gave him the ‘Wat Tha Fuck’ look.

So apparently he explained that he is still only with the wife because the married guy wanted to make sure he has a future with my friend, before actually leaving his wife… cause he doesn’t wanna end up alone if he and my friend doesn’t work out.


I was shocked… it was as if my friend was being used as some sort of safety net for that guy’s happiness, or the wife was his safety net… I don’t know. But that guy is seriously a jerk, if he can expect to continue living with the wife as a married couple in the event he and my friend doesn’t work out, then that certainly means their marriage isn’t over yet and they aren’t even close to filing for a divorce.

I can totally see that he is only trying to get my friend to sleep with him, as a sort of toy boy… I hate to see my friend being used like that, but I just don’t know how to get it into that thick skull of his. OMG… I’m at the end of my wits on this matter.

I think whether you are straight or gay, its only okay to start dating when both parties are completely out of a marriage binding relationship. To say that you just wanna make sure the ‘affair’ works out before leaving your wife is the words of a weak and cowardly man. If you wanna truly love another person, then you gotta give it your everything and hope that it works out. There is no such thing as a ‘I’ll remain married just-in-case’ clause. Fucking decide if you are gay or straight, or if you are married or divorced! Seriously fuck him… and also the people that would believe his words. I just hope my friend comes to his senses soon…

Let me just end the post by saying that I have nothing against dating older men, just not older married men.

Signing out.


  1. hhhuuuaaahhh such thing still exist? LOLx..

  2. Oh my. This is complicated enough without the gay factor.

  3. Very nice of you to offer advise, a good friend indeed. But then again at the end of the day, we live by the choices we make. I wish him well.

  4. Takashi... unfortunately it does... and its happened to my friend.

    Yea Will.. it is complicated... and I'm worried lor...

    Anton, yea I guess all I can do is give advice, I cant make the decisions for him. It pains me that this is what he is choosing though...

  5. I m new to your blog...I believe the choice is at his hand and one can't decide for others unless you are in his position. I do agree, this is complicated and your concern for your friend is valid. Love is blind, sometimes.

  6. well...if both parties really fall in love and your fren doesn't mind his bf to be is fine...most imprt is happiness

    i agree that the married guy should not be so is fine to tell ur fren honestly that he want his wife and ur fren.

  7. if he doesnt learn from the easy way, let him do the hard way. in the end, he learns.

    [Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

