So, I’ve been getting more into the gay scene nowadays, despite not being out at all to most of my friends. My most recent gayscapade is to the midsumma festival in Melbourne. And if you’re wondering… I’m sure gayscapade is a word right? Or at least it should be!
Midsumma is a queer festival held annually in the city of Melbourne, it is over a period of time in which a wide range of queer themed activities are held all over the beautiful city of Melbourne. The two main events would be the carnival on the first day, and the pride parade on the very last weekend of the festival.
I wouldn’t be in the city for the pride parade, something of a waste… coz I heard its very awesome: meaning there are lots of hot topless guys usually… Ahaha, how shallow right? Anyway, as I said I’ll be missing the pride parade, but what I did attend is the carnival on the first day of the festival.
I went to the carnival with a few friends… yea only a few, I realise I don’t have many close gay friends, something I intend to change :p anyway, yea we hung out together a little at the carnival, which was held by the river side.
And literally hundreds and hundreds of gays came out to play :) It was a very nice event to attend, just knowing that there are so many of us out there is really comforting. You kinda get this feeling that, hey we’re not alone here. Some people even brought their kids along, I was thinking to myself ‘gosh, what liberal parents!’
Anyway pictures are of the carnival in which I took with my modest phone. And, I’ll be back home for the Chinese New Year festive season. Hooray!
Signing out.
PasarPride: Egg Edward
2 weeks ago