For example if you like Japanese stereotypes… the same guys you always see in Japanese porn… would you go the extra mile to learn the Japanese language? Would you learn to make certain Japanese dishes… to attract a Japanese boyfriend?
On the other hand if you liked latino stereotypes… Will you be wiling to learn Spanish? And what do I mean by latino sterotypes? I guess its your usual Spanish looking hunk or latin American looking hunk!

I get the feeling my friend (the one I was having this conversation with) likes the typical blond haired blue eyes stereotype… that is very much my type as well :p so in terms of a blond haired blue eyed stereotype, would you be wiling to learn a European language such as german or French to get closer to that sort of stereotype?

Of course apart from leaning their language, you can also learn to cook their dishes, or watch their movies/ books, so that you can better strike up an intellectual conversation with them…
Here I have just covered the regional stereotypes, but nonetheless there are a lot more... would you watch star trek and star wars if you were into geeky stereotypes? Or would you watch sports in order to attract the masculine straight acting type of guys? Would you learn to surf if you like the typical surfer boy types? And would you try to learn more about wine culture if you liked the pretentious preppy type boys? Of course not to leave Takashi out, if you like the gym-bunny stereotype, would you start going to the gym more often? To either lift weights or join group fitness classes?
I guess the list goes on and on… and you can go all out of your element to learn a brand new subculture and/or language, just to attract the type of guy you like. But is that worth it in the long run? Maybe to satisfy a temporary lust, but would connecting with someone from a completely different culture or speaks a totally different language be feasible in the long run? I guess it depends which school of thought you subscribe to… opposite attracts? Or guys from the same community/culture would be able to communicate better in the long run?
I personally believe in a mix, not too much similarities and also not too polar in terms of differences, I think that is the best mix for a successful relationship.
Signing out.