Anyway, went down to meet up with some friends and stayed with them. They are a typical rice queen/sticky rice couple. One is an Asian guy my age, and the other is this older Caucasian guy that is much older… I don’t know his actual age as I think its rude to ask, but I’m guessing around fifty? So yea it’s a daddy-boy relationship.
I spent a few days in the capitol, and then we drove down to Sydney for the weekend. We spent some time in the gay clubs, namely the Stonewall, Colombian and the Shift. Haha, twas fun.
The not fun part is travelling with my friends, the dynamics of their relationship seems very weird, coz unlike the usual rich daddy situation, this seems to be juxtaposed and is a rich boy situation… And the old guy is certainly someone that is very hard to travel with, as he easily loses his temper and throws a tantrum every now and then. He doesn’t lose his temper on me as I suppose I’m a guest, but he does so to just about everyone and everything else, inclusive of his boyfriend. His random temper bursts were very hard to travel with, I doubt I’ll ever go on another trip with them.
Most people I know grow old gracefully and become loving people, this dude certainly didn’t grow old gracefully… in fact I think in his mind he probably thinks he is still very young…

You know how the saying goes, “Men are like wine, the older they get, the better”, well fuck that, whoever coined that phrase either isn’t much of a wine drinker, or is someone that only drinks the highest qualities of wines. Because not all wine gets better when kept longer, only the best of the best are meant to be cellared for more than 10 years, all the other regular wines will probably turn in to a sour-bitter tasting vinegar solution when kept pass its use-by date.
I’m not bashing older people in this post, as I often enjoy the intellectual company of older men, maybe cause most of them were either a good Bordeaux, Burgundy or at the very least a good Aussie Barossa. This older guy I travelled with, OMG… tough person to travel with as I guess he didn’t age properly.
Anyway… he was okay-ish to me, didn’t throw his tempers and tantrums at me (although he did to everything else). Maybe coz he was hoping I’d get into bed with him and his boyfriend, AHAHAHA he wished, not in a million years. Anyway, the sightseeing and stuff were amazing as I saw some pretty stuff in both the capital and Sydney, but the company was tough…
These are actual pics taken of me, its just that I'm cropped out of them for personal reasons. That was my weekend, and now its back to slaving at uni.
Signing out.