Sunday, December 12, 2010

Officially Unemployed

After five years of hard work in uni, as of yesterday... I have officially joined the group of people classified as unemployed. Haha, yes... I have finally completed my education after all the hardships, sweats and tears.

Yesterday I graduated in sky blue and gold colours, as is the tradition of my school. It was a most heart warming event, as I was overjoyed receiving congratulatory remarks from course mates that graduated with me, and my friends that come to support and acknowledge my achievements over the past few years.

I also have to thank my parents for taking the time off to come visit me and join in my celebration of completing my university course.

All in all, I have a lot more celebration to do, but once all that is done... I have to really start thinking about what I want to do with my future. That... is... a... scary... thought...

Signing out.


  1. congrats yo lucas!! haha... the future is out there! go get them! ahahahah.. im crapping.. hahahaha...

  2. hey good luck!!!!!!!!!!! i always dream of reaching of wad u hav achieved now. =D good luck wor~

    tuls: u think is pokemon a? lolx

  3. Congratulations - now go and rock the world.

  4. Well done! Now here's to the next 30 years of work! ^_^

  5. Don't worry, you have long way to go...congrates!

  6. Thank Tuls... its not crap, its inspirational :)

    Vincent, dont worry, you'll get there in not time. I dont mind being a pokemon, most of them are real cute :P

    Thank Wannabe!

    Ohh soon Lucy, probably end jan? Will you be in kl?

    Haha Vin... such a grim outlook :|

    Thanks SHawk, yea a long long way to go... starting with me actually finding a job...

