So... I have finally decided to start my very own blog. Firstly I wanted to start this blog partly because of the last episode of Gossip Girl, whereby Serena (one of the characters) was accused of being irrelevant. Let me say that... no, let me shout out loudly that I refuse to be irrelevant, and therefore have started out this blog, which is a collection of my personal thoughts that would hopefully make me a little more relevant in this big big lump of dirt we call Earth.
I'm a young offsping, with jet black hair and an even darker pair of eyes to match that. Born on a mid-summer night on the chance encounter of two food enthusiasts that crossed paths... Arguably that might partially be the explaination to my uncanily my huge appetite for new tastes and flavours that have brought me so very far away from the very land I call home. Now armed with an internet connection and a pen, which hopefully doesn't run out of ink anytime soon, I am ready to storm the dark and gloomy castle of Parkville, in search of the elusive piece of paper sooo highly coveted by the dark forces known only as The Employer, by many out there.
With that said, I would like to welcome you to my blog and thankyou for reading my very first posting. If you have a good imagination, I want you to imagine me at a ribbon cutting ceremony officially opening my blog (make sure the ribbon is rainbow in colour), and if you can't picture me be because you don't know how I look like, just think of my substitute image as Josh Harnett, only much hotter :P
Signing out.
1 week ago
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