Friday, February 12, 2010

One Disapointment Leads To Another Appointment

The week is finally coming to an end, and Chinese New Year is just two days away :) Today I was suppose to meet up with some uni mates after having dinner with my mom and a family friend... but half way through my dinner I got a call from a friend cancelling the meeting. I was dissapointed cause they were my uni mates, and we haven't met up since leaving Melbourne last December... however, this setback paved way for me to meet up with some new friends.

I was originally invited by Evann to meet up with some of his friends for steamboat, obviously bloggers too... but unfortunately I had to turned down the invitation because I already had plans... now that my uni mates cancelled on me... I could join in on the little dinner :) or rather I joined in after they had their dinner... LoL... hopefully it wasn't too awkward that I just popped in :)

"So nice meeting you guys, Jerry, Anton and Bong..."

To everyone driving back to their kampung... drive SAFELY... and if your gonna fuck... fuck the same way :)

Happy Chinese New Year everyone.

Signing out.

