Friday, September 4, 2009

4 Hours a Day

I think I just found out that men are not meant to sleep for only 4 hours a day, 4 days in a row. For the past 4 nights, I have been sleeping for less than 4 hours a day, and I can tell you my body is not liking it at all. This week was a killer week for me, had 3 assignments due Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively, and had a mid-semester exam on Friday.

But my nightmare of sleepless nights actually started Sunday night, you see, it was Merdeka eve celebrations on Sunday night... And I went a little over board with my drinking :P I'm not too proud of that... but I guess whats happened can't be helped.

So this left me with a nasty hangover for half of Monday, and most of my monday was essentially a non-productive day. By the time I fully recovered from the hangover, it was already well into the evening... So that was when I started working on my 3 assignments and also my studying for the mid-semester test.

And I'll have you know that the 3 assingments were massive assignments, each worth more than 15% of the subjects... So I really had to work my ass off in order to do well in them. Well I guess due to my busy-ness, I have been unable to update my blog. But worry not, I'm back :) But firstly, I need to catch up on some of the lost sleep of mine, then there will be more wacky thoughts and blog updates after that.

Signing out.


  1. take it slowly. Don't cause pre-mature aging to urself

  2. >.<

    premature aging ??? NOooooooo i dun wan tht...

    yup yup, gotta take better care of myself :)

