Saturday, September 19, 2009

Petty Terminology

Recently I was on the internet looking up the term GLBT, which stands for Gay, Lesbians, Bi, and Trans. And I found something very interesting, you see… apparently some groups of people are unhappy with the term because it doesn’t accurately describe the homosexual community which should really only consist of GLB.

Certain people are of the view that transsexuals are not really considered gay, because if they did actually have a sex change… then if they have sex, it would still be a heterosexual relationship. For example if a guy had a sex change to become a chick, then if she has sex with another guy, wouldn’t it be considered heterosexual sex? And this should also apply to a girl becoming a guy but has sex with girls. With all due respect, it’s a hetero activity. This is by no means a post of me being anti-trans, I have nothing against them, in fact I’m even sympathetic towards them because unlike us gays, they are actually straight but trapped in the body of the other sex. So no… this isn’t about me being homophobic towards trans… or transphobic? Cool term… yup, I’m not transphobic, its just that I find it interesting to know the correct definition of the homosexual community.

If it is a term only to describe the gay people, then most certainly it should only be GLB, adding a T in just broadens the scope of the definition, which not necessarily is a bad thing I may add. Of course some people are of the opinion that the term to better describe the whole GLB + T community as a whole is QUEER. Cause this means its not just describing the homo community but also the trans community. This is probably why moe and more social communities, I noticed especially in Uni, have switched to calling the GLBT department the QUEER department. Problem solved!!! :)

Okay not really… odd, strange, unusual… these are all meanings of the word QUEER in a conventional dictionary. So at the back of my mind, I just feel that the term QUEER is a little derogatory, okay maybe I’m being a little petty, but I do feel that way… because why should we be termed as odd, strange and unusual when we’re clearly human just like everyone else apart from the fact that we like people of the same sex. So why accept this term that alines us as being different? Are we really that different from others apart from our sexual orientation, which should really remain a private detail anyway?

So I think I’m more a fan of using the term GLBT, and honestly I’m happy to have the trans on our side… as long as they don’t mind being mis-termed as gay, since they are clearly straight but trapped in the wrong gender. Anyway, these are just my thoughts…

Signing out.

